Animal House of Distinction



  1. My pet can eat raw food, you don't cook it?

            When you study the eating habits of all animals including our pets you will discover that their bodies were designed for eating food raw and it is actually easier for them digest foods that have not been cooked. This means it is healthier for your pet to eat raw foods than cooked foods.

2. What about salmonella and other bacterias?

         An animals bodies are very equipped to handle bacterias, they have to be considering how they clean themselves and the variety of gross things they eat and actually don't get sick. A raw food diet has friendly bacterias, meaning those bacterias normally found in nature. It is when food starts to turn bad that environmental bacterias are present . Your pet is actually pretty resistant to these also but it is these environmental bacterias that can make them sick. So if the raw diet is fresh your animal will thrive.

3. Can I get sick from the raw food I feed my pet?

      Only in the same way you could get sick from making hamburgers for a family barbecue. Our bodies are not designed as our pets are so if we do not wash our hands and table surfaces we may get sick. A raw food diet for your pet is the same meat you use for your family when you cook so follow the same precautions.

4. They can eat bones, even chicken bones?

    Of course they can. When an animal eats another animal i.e.. baby bird, rabbit, squirrel, etc. they typically eat the entire animal if it is a small animal. If it is a larger animal, the smaller bones would be eaten and the larger ones gnawed on. When a bone is raw it is very pliable only when it is cooked does the bone get brittle. It is cooked bones that are dangerous, not raw bones.

5. Why should I change my pet's diet if he seems healthy?

  In short because nature intended them to eat other animals and when we humans invented a convenient diet for ourselves it did not replicate a natural diet. No species can thrive on an incorrect diet , they can live but could have lived better and longer. Life expectancies drop, disease becomes more prevalent and medical care becomes a way of life. For more information on this see Pottingers study on cats .

6. What changes will I see when I switch to a raw diet?

    A lot of amazing changes. More energy, older pets get a new lease on life!  Your pets poop will be very small and will crumble. No sticky mess and no foul odor! For an understanding of this process check our blog page. Your pet will drink noticeably less water, they are hydrated from the raw food which contains 65% water. Shiny, odor free coat, odor free breath, no more teeth cleanings, teeth are tartar free, no dental cleanings in nature, why?  Check our blog page. A maintenance free pet!!!

7. Anything bad that I should look for?

    Nothing harmful, just natures cleansing process which can take strange turns. Sometimes if an animal has a lot of fecal matter lodged in the intestines ( you probably will not know it) when the "live" raw food starts to work it will be able to push that out and along with the fecal matter can be mucous and blood. nothing to fear if your animal is alert and his/ her normal self this will pass. If you are worried head to your vet. This is natures colonic!  If you have an itchy pet as the raw food starts to work you may se more itching for the first couple of weeks then better health in future. You are basically detoxing your pet. Food typically does not harm us so if your pet was healthy going on raw food he will be even healthier after.